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About Me

Welcome. My name is Anita and I specialize in people who have lost their confidence to regain faith in themselves and their ability to achieve what they want. “What makes you so special?” is a question I often hear. Well, apart from qualifications in hypnosis and counselling, I have a BSc(Hons) in neuroscience, so understanding the mechanics of the brain gives me a head start. More importantly, I get results, which counts for more than any certificate. You can read the testimonials to find out how I’ve helped my clients turn their lives around. Just in case you want to know a bit about the brain and how it and hypnosis works, I’ve written a few of the relevant basics below.

If you’re interested in how I can help you, book a strategy call with me here. 

An Overview

Of The Mind

Long ago I was surprised to learn that around 70% to over 90% of the time we are running on autopilot. When I understood why, it made sense. Most of our behaviour comes from our subconscious, which has the task of keeping us safe. This is useful, as it's faster than the conscious mind. We can act quickly without taxing ourselves. There is a downside to the subconscious in that speed comes at a price, and that price is accuracy. This wasn't a problem in hunter gatherer times, but it is in the modern day. Imagine you are roaming the forest to hunt for or gather food. You hear a noise, and before you can think “sabre-toothed tiger” you've bolted. It doesn't matter if it was a deer or a fluffy bunny, the fact is you're alive to tell the tale.

Yes, it's true, there are no sabre-toothed tigers, but there are still threats to us. The problem is we have an instinct to think of worst case scenarios, and because our lives are so busy, we don't stop to live in the present. This is when we can develop, or should I say learn, bad habits without understanding why.

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About The Mind

Luckily, the mind is not hard wired and so changing your life is in your hands.

How does this work?


It works through synaptic plasticity. Without getting too technical, the brain communicates via junctions between two nerve cells (neurons) called synapses. The more the synapse is activated the stronger the connection becomes. Equally, when the synapse isn’t activated, the connection weakens. This is the basis of learning and memory. 


There is more. When we learn, the myelin sheath that acts just like insulation around a wire increases. Not only does this protect the neuron, but it also speeds up the signal. This, together with synaptic plasticity, means we can learn new beneficial behaviours and unlearn old habits.

About Hypnosis

What is hypnosis & how does it work?

Although hypnosis is a natural state which we all dip in and out of several times a day, it's often misunderstood and feared. This is largely owing to stage hypnotists, as well as inaccurate portrayals in films and dramas. Understandably, this often leads people to believe they won't be in control, whereas the opposite is true. In fact, it's all about regaining control.

So, what is hypnosis? It's a focused yet calm state. Yes, it really is that simple. For example, reading a book or watching a film that's so absorbing. you forget where you are. Even daydreaming can be considered a form of hypnosis. You may remember a time when you drove a car and when you reached your destination, have no memory of how you got there. And yet at no point did you veer off the road because you were in control the entire time.

Why is hypnosis used in therapy? When we are in this focused and relaxed state, we learn more quickly. Studies have shown that, when subjects placed in an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scanner under hypnosis, certain areas of the brain either increase or decrease in activity, which happens to facilitate changes in perception, self-awareness and ability to focus. Hypnosis isn't a therapy in itself, it's a safe delivery system which primes us for change, therefore making the sessions more effective and efficient.







So many of us start start with a dream, but don't succeed in reaching the finishing line. We don't understand why and so resort to blaming our self. This is because we don't understand what is going on inside our brain. The good news is by learning the brain is plastic, i.e. not hard wired, we can change. In fact, knowing we can change is the start of developing a growth mindset.

Thankfully, scientific research has revealed the psychology and biology of achieving goals and with that, the tools that help us succeed. Each workshop has been designed to guide you through the stages, e.g. goal setting, motivation, as well as exercises to consolidate what you've learnt. Find out more on the Acorn Transformations page.

For details of services available, go to the services page.

About Achieving Goals Workshops

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when creating them." Albert Einstein. We will work together to change your thinking and so change your life.

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